Dealing with Disappointment
April 17, 2011
Gen 39-40
Today is Palm Sunday
This morning we looked at the triumphal entry into Jerusalem
We saw how it was a time when they were sick of the occupying Roman army
They were looking for a Messiah
Prophecy had told that Messiah would come at this time
Their expectation was that Jesus would be the one to take power away from the Romans, and set up the kingdom of God, at that time
They hailed him as the Messiah and threw down palm branches and clothing in front of him as he proceeded from Bethany to Jerusalem
They called out Hosanna, Hosanna, to the Son of David and wanted to make him their king
But their expectation did not match God's plan
6 days later, Jesus was arrested by the Romans
Suddenly, Jesus seemed not to be the answer to their expectations
Suddenly their hopes were dashed
Their disappointment turned to anger, and they now called out, Crucify him, Crucify him
What are our disappointments?
Job, sickness, loneliness
We wanted something better, but God has not yet seen fit to give it
The disciples must have been disappointed too
Giving 3 1/2 years of their lives to follow Jesus, and then it all turns bad
But Easter is a time of hope, that Jesus not only died but was resurrected, and is alive and well and at the controls of the universe
Today we will look at some keys from the life of Joseph to see how he defeated disappointment
God will not desert us
Gen 39:20-23
In such a situation another man would have become angry and bitter
Joseph instead used the situation to become a stronger person
CS Lewis - "The Problem Of Pain - "God whispers in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but he shouts in our pain"
So where is God when Joseph is thrown into jail? Is he absent? Is he ignoring Joseph?
No, v23 says God was with Joseph, both when he was with Potiphar, and now in prison
Only sin separates us from God
False accusations put Joseph in prison, but God stayed with him, even in the bad circumstances
God helped him through this
When we go through our situations, which seem like prison, we are quick to think God is far away, and that God has forgotten us
But he hasn't
Deut 31:6, Josh 1:6, Heb 13:5 "I will never leave nor forsake you"
God is with us in our painful times
He was with Jesus as he walked the Via Dolorosa, he was with Joseph in prison, and he is with us in our trials
Spiritual maturity is learning to continue walking in faith, no matter what the circumstances may be
Use each situation as an opportunity to serve
Gen 40:1-8 Joseph served the butler and baker
Gen 40:4 "Shawrath" = he ministered to them, not just doing menial tasks
He saw the expression on their faces
He asks what is going on and then he asks God to provide the answer
He ministers to them, even in his own prison time
And God honored his prayer and gave the interpretation to the dreams
His ministering to them, helped him in two ways
1. It stopped him feeling sorry of himself, he was still useful to God
2. Ultimately, his ministry to these men was the means God used to set him free
Choose to trust God despite the circumstances
After years of waiting in prison, Joseph thought he was about to be released
But instead, he was forgotten by the butler
But instead, he was forgotten by the butler
Real life can be cruel
People cannot be trusted, only God is totally faithful
People let you down
But God comes through with the goods
There was a reason for the delay - that was that a bigger opportunity for service lay around the corner
God is God, and God is good
Rom 8:28 - God works ALL things together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose
This is a promise
God is faithful (Psa 33:4, 57:10)
Story of a stonemason
“Billy Graham tells of a friend who went through the Great Depression, losing a job, a fortune, a wife, and a home. He was a believer in Jesus Christ and tenaciously held to his faith even though he was naturally depressed and cast down by circumstances. One day in the midst of his depression he stopped to watch some men doing stonework on a huge church in the city. One was busy chiseling a triangular piece of stone. ‘What are you going to do with that?’ he asked. The workman stopped and pointed to a little opening near the top of the spire. ‘See that little opening up there near the top?’ he said. ‘Well, I’m shaping down this down here so that it will fit up there.’ The friend said that tears filled his eyes as he walked away from the workman. For it seemed that God had spoken to him personally to say that he was shaping him for heaven by the ordeal through which he was passing.” [as quoted by James Montgomery Boice. Genesis : An Expositional Commentary. Vol. 3 p. 76]
Perhaps your prison is the process of waiting for healing
Perhaps you are waiting for a job
Perhaps you are waiting for God's call on your life to become reality
Just as Jesus walked the Via Dolorosa
Just as Joseph endured prison and hardships
1. Believe that God will never leave or forsake you
2. Use the situation to serve
3. Choose to trust God, no matter what the circumstances
There is no formula
Just do it