What Precedes Revival?
July 5, 2014
2 Chron 5:1-14, 7:1-3
- 2 Chron 5:1-14
- Last week I mentioned a dream I had a couple of months ago
- In this dream, I saw Mt Susanville erupting, and boulders rolling down its sides
- A couple months before that someone came and asked me about a dream she had had, where once again boulders were rolling down the hill, through a mist and yet no one was being hurt. At the time I did not know what this dream meant.
- I now believe both dreams were about the Kingdom of God increasing territory in Susanville, in other words, revival.
- As in Dan 2 – the stone cut out of a mountain without hands, and then filling the whole earth
- But what is it that prepares the way for revival?
- What are the conditions like when revival happens?
- Today we are going to talk the conditions that precede revival.
- Saul was the first king of Israel. He was a Benjaminite, he believed in God's guidance, and he had a low estimation of himself
- 1 Samuel 9:1-14 – searching for donkeys, servant encourages Saul to enquire of God
- God tells Samuel to anoint Saul to be king
- And the donkeys have been found
- Saul depends heavily on Samuel to pray and intercede for him, does not seem to have had a close personal walk with God
- He starts seemingly humble, but his position goes to his head and he is proud and disobedient, finally even seeking guidance from a fortune teller
- King Saul was definitely not leading the people into revival
- It was Saul's choice – it grieved God that he had made Saul king – 1 Sam 15:35
- King David however, was different
- 1 Sam 16:13 – David anointed king
- David was humble
- David was the youngest brother, he had a humble heart
- God looks at the heart
- Humility is important to God, it helps us keep our roles in perspective
- Prov 29:23, Isa 57:15, Isa 66:2
- David was wholehearted
- Ps 9:11, 111:1, 119:2, 10, 34, 58, 69, 145, 138:1
- It was important to David to worship with all his heart, no divided loyalties
- David was obedient
- We know about David's relationship with God, through the Psalms
- God tells of David that He could trust David to do his will – Acts 13:22
- David was repentant
- David sinned. He sinned big time
- Satan tries to destroy David's relationship with God, by tempting him with a beautiful woman, Bathsheba. David commits adultery, and ends up murdering her husband, to have this lady as his wife
- David's reaction is to repent, once again with all his heart
- His prayer of repentance is recoded in Psalm 51
- So, David was humble, whole hearted, obedient and repentant
- It was this David who desired to build a house for God, a temple, to have God close to him
- God told David the temple would be built by his and Bathsheba's Solomon
- So we see God making something good turn out from a terribly sinful experience in David's life
- Solomon started his reign with a humble and teachable heart
- 1 Kings 3:1-15 Solomon asks for wisdom
- verse 7-9 – He shows his humility
- He asks God for wisdom
- During this period of his life, Solomon was still right with God
- And it was during this time, that Solomon builds the temple
- The Ark is brought into the Holy of Holies
- The Levites sing praise to God accompanied by trumpets
- The glory cloud fills the temple!
- Solomon leads the people in a prayer of dedication of the temple – 2 Chron 6:1-40
- Fire falls from heaven on the altar, and consumes the offerings presented to God, and God's glory fills the temple afresh
- God appears to Solomon in a dream again, and accepts the prayer of dedication - 2 Chron 7:1-16
- verse 14 – heal their land
- Finally, God warns Solomon to stay obedient, or consequences would happen
- If we are to see Revival, or an Awakening, in this nation, in this county, in this city, or in our personal life, these qualities should be evident:
- Humility
- Wholeheartednes
- Obedience
- Repentance
- This is why, tomorrow, we are going to fast 7 hours, to ask the Lord to hear our prayers this week, and bring change in our nation
- From the president on down
- As Christians, we are humbling ourselves in fasting and prayer
- We are doing this with all our heart
- We are repenting of disobedience, and setting our course to be obedient in the future
- This is what precedes God's coming to his people
- This is what precedes revival