Healing and the Word
March 6, 2011
2 Peter 1:4
- I grew up in a church that believed in healing
- The odd thing was that we were not spirit-filled
- As a kid I remember being bitten by a spider, being prayed for, and the bite did not swell up or cause problems
- I remember stepping on a rusty nail and getting blood poisoning, being prayed for, and my life was spared
- I once had blood poisoning in a finger, and the red line was racing to my heart and it stopped halfway up my forearm
- One time my first wife had an abcess and was in excruciating pain. After praying for God's intervention the infection was totally healed
- A woman in our small group had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, and after prayer, she was healed and got her driver's license back
- Someone had x-rays taken and there was a spot on the x-ray, the size of a quarter, right around the appendix. We prayed, and after tests and surgery it was determined that there was nothing there
- The same person went to Renown and was told his aorta, the main artery into the heart, was 75% blocked. After prayer he went back and the doctor said the blockage had mysteriously gone.
- Another person was in the agonies of methodone withdrawal. Our home group prayed for him and he slept peacefully and the withdrawal symptoms had left, overnight
- I know the Lord heals from personal experience
- But God's Word is more real than my experiences
- There is power in God's Word to heal
- Tonight we will look at some of God's promises to heal, and hopefully they will help to bolster your faith
Is sickness normal?
- Many believe that God sometimes heal the sick, but they don't believe God wants to heal them personally
- They feel they need a special revelation of His will for them personally
- If it is not God's will for you to be healed, then it would be wrong for you to seek healing through natural means
- If it is God's will to heal you, it would seem the best way to go about this is through divine healing
- God is as concerned about your physical as your spiritual problems
- Psa 103:2-5
- He wants our sins to be forgiven and our diseases to be healed
- Sin is unnatural and a result of the fall of Adam
- Sickness also is a result of the fall - man was created "very good" Gen 1:31
- It is only after man was evicted from the Garden, that the curse went into effect
- If sin is unnatural and needs a divine remedy, then sickness also requires a divine intervention
- So the answer to the two problems of sin and sickness, is to be found in the single remedy, Jesus our savior
The bronze serpent
- The Israelites were complaining about God, and as a result, punishment came in the form of poisonous snakes
- Num 21:4-9
- They cried to God, and he told Moses to raise up a bronze serpent on a pole
- This serpent was a type of Christ
- John3:14-15
- As the Israelites fixed their eyes on the serpent, they were healed
- As we today fix our eyes on Jesus, we too are healed of our sins and sicknesses
- We are not to be looking at the symptoms
- Instead, we are to look to Jesus, our Savior
- When they were healed they received both forgiveness of their sin (complaining about God), and physical healing from the snakebite
- They were a physical people inheriting physical blessings
- We are a spiritual people, inheriting eternal blessings
- John 3:16
- They as a physical people, looking to a physical forerunner of the Savior, received physical healing
- When we look to the reality of Jesus for healing we should reap at least as much blessing as they did
- If they were healed, we should be healed
- The condition is that we must believe
We must believe
- If we believe that Jesus died to save our sins, personally, whenever we turn to Him, we can also believe that he will heal us, personally
- The removal of our sins and the removal of our sicknesses are both included in what Jesus did on the cross
- Isa 53:4-5
- It takes faith to believe in Jesus' sacrifice for us personally
- Some may say, that the healing referred to here is our spiritual healing from sin
- But Jesus shows it refers to actual physical healing
- Matt 8:16-17
- God's will for us is that we be protected by Him and kept healthy even in the midst of pestilence
- Psalm 91 (whole psalm)
- When we believe in Jesus, healing is promised for us
- If we believe that Jesus died for us, so that our spiritual condition is healed, and our sins are forgiven
- In the same way, in Jesus' atoning sacrifice, his stripes were for our healing
- God's will for us is that we be healthy in every part of us, body soul and spirit.
- But that discussion will have to wait till a further sermon
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