Memorial Day - Hope for the Future
May 29, 2011
May 29, 2011
Isa 2:2-4
- Tomorrow is Memorial Day
- Many of us have family members or friends who have served or are serving in the military
- We may have family members who gave their all to this calling on their life
- They may have been a grandfather, a dad, perhaps it was a brother or sister or nephew or a son
- They may have been a friend, even a fellow combatant
- We will now watch a short video honoring those who have given their lives for our freedom
- There is so much suffering associated with war
- Man was not made for war
- 10,000 US troops killed in Afghanistan since 2001 = 900/yr = 3/day
- 32,000 killed in Iraq since 2003 = 3500/yr = 10/day
- This pales into insignificance when we think of the 600,000 who died in the American Civil War in 1861-1865 = 340/day
- More husbands and fathers died in that war than in WW1 and WW2 combined
- A total of over 1.3 million US military personnel have died since the Revolutionary war in 1775
- When man chose to obey the enemy, war was a part of the consequences
- The enemy seeks to kill, steal and destroy - Jn 10:10
- One of Satan's names is Abaddon or Destroyer
- Rev 9:11
Jesus came to bring life and peace
- But Jesus came to give life, abundant life
- Isa 9:1-6 His name is Prince of Peace
When/How will He come?
- 1 Thes 4:17 There will be a rapture
- The dead in Christ will rise first
- 1 Cor 15:51-54
- We will all meet Jesus in the air - can't wait to get together with his people
- Jesus will set up a kingdom
- Zech 14:4-9
- Feet on Mount of Olives
- Isa 2:2-4
- Swords into plowshares
- No more war
- God will reign!
What if loved one has died
- They are in safe keeping with Jesus
- They are in heaven today
- They are able to commune with him one on one, any time they wish
- and they will be resurrected at Jesus' return, as we read
- And we will embrace each other once more
- So be comforted
- The loved ones you lost, you will see them again
- We honor those who have fallen
- We honor all who have the calling of fighting for the freedom of their country
- And there is hope for the future, because Jesus will return and set things straight, and usher in a time of peace
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