The God Who Speaks
June 26, 2011
John 10:1-10, 14
- 1 John 3:1-3
- What incredible favor has been given to us
- That we should be made the children of God, God's adopted children
- A parent communicates with his children
- Often dads are the strong silent types
- But children need a dad who is speaking to them, who directs them, who guides them
- How can a parent comfort and encourage, without speaking to the child
- Our relationship with God is no different
- If we are God's children, we need His guidance, his comfort, his communication
- Now we know that God is a God who speaks
- He spoke to Adam, he spoke to Enoch who walked with God
- He spoke to Abraham, he spoke to Solomon, he spoke to David and the prophets
- Jesus came to earth as a human being and communicated with his followers
- The Holy Spirit spoke to the New Testament church
- Yet sometimes we seem to have difficulty in having two way communication with God
- Today we are going to discuss a chapter where Jesus tells us about his communication with us
- John 10:1-10, 14
One entrance, one shepherd - verse 1-2, 7-9
- People like to do things on their own terms
- But Jesus tells us that there is only one entrance into the fold
- John 14:6
- There is only one way to have a relationship with God
- That is through Jesus
- This means, unless I accept Jesus as my Lord and my Savior, I cannot expect to hear God's voice
- The reason is that our sins separate us from God - Isa 59:2
- Thankfully, God sent Jesus so that our sins could be forgiven and we could have a fresh start in life
- John 3:16
- So Jesus is the only way to have relationship with God
- There is only one entrance, and one shepherd
The shepherd knows his sheep - verse 3, 14
- In recent weeks we have been examining different aspects of our identity as a Christian
- We have learned how close Jesus wants to be with us
- Eph 2:6
- John 14:20
- When we have such an intimate relationship with Jesus, it is impossible that he not know us
- Like a shepherd with his sheep
- He knows everything about them
- Like when my dog had a sore paw
- I cared for him on a day to day basis
- I knew when he was hurting, when he was hungry
- Our shepherd Jesus, knows his sheep
The sheep know the shepherd's voice - verse 4
- The reason the sheep follow the shepherd is that they know his voice
- They trust him
- There is nothing they wouldnt do for him
- they follow him
- they dont go off looking for their own way to do things
- the shepherd shows the way to go, by leading the way
- all the sheep have to do is follow where he is going
- where you go Ill go
- It is possible to recognize the shepherds voice
- he will not take us places that are bad for us
- we need to be obedient to where he sends us
- the sheep knows the shepherd's voice
The sheep avoid strangers - verse 5, 8
- The sheep hear other voices too
- but they dont recognize them as something they want to follow
- they only want to follow the shepherd';s voice
- the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy
- the thief is the arch deceiver
- Rev 12:9 - he deceives the whole world
- the sheep know Jesus voice, and recognize the difference
- The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth - Jn 14:13
- He is the one who shows us what is of Jesus and what is not
- but it takes closeness with God to be sensitive to what He is saying to us
- The Holy Spirit is sensitive
- But how often dont we grieve the Holy Spirit
- Jesus sheep, children of God, stay away from the stranger's siren song
- we want to only hear Jesus' voice
The shepherd cares for his sheep - verses 9-11
- Proverbs - the blessing of the Lord makes rich, he adds no sorrow with it
- when we listen to God's voice, and are obedient, the results will be good
- because the shepherd looks after his sheep
- he wont take them into a swamp, or desert, he will feed them and give them al;l they need
- One of the most important things he gives us is that he communicates with us and speaks to us
- This is how he guides us and comforts us and occasionally corrects us
- So the shepherd cares for his sheep
- God is a God who speaks to us, all the time
- He speaks to us in many different ways
- But it is the same voice that comes through, whatever is being said
- As we grow up as Christians, we will learn to exercise discernment and know his voice
- In my next sermon I will talk more about recognizing God's voice
- But in the meantime know this, that he is speaking to you, because he cares for you and wants to lead you to good pasture