Let Your Fire Fall
June 12, 2011 - Pentecost
Acts 2:3
- Today is Pentecost Sunday
- 2000 years ago an event happened which turned the religious world on its head
- The disciples were assembled in an upper room, where they had been praying for the coming of the promise
- 10 days before the resurrected Jesus had told them to wait in Jerusalem to be baptized with the Holy Spirit
- He told them that when this happened, they would receive power, and that they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth
- Let's read it
- Acts 1:4-8
- The disciples continued to pray
- They selected a successor to Judas Iscariot, and chose Matthias, so the number of apostles was once again 12
- And they continued to pray
The disciples were together, keeping Pentecost
- Acts 2:1-4
- They were all together in one place
- First of all, it was Pentecost
- This was one of the holydays described in Leviticus 23
- Pentecost is a Greek word which means Count Fifty
- During the days of unleavened bread the Israelites were to bring a wave sheaf offering to the priests, to be offered before God
- This was rougly at the time of Easter
- This wave sheaf was the first stalks of barley to be harvested in the spring harvest
- From the day that they offered this before the Lord, they were to count 7 weeks or fortynine days, and then it says on the day after they finished counting the 7 weeks, in other words the fiftieth day, they were to keep the feast of weeks or Shavuot
- So Pentecost means count fifty, and it always lands on a Sunday
- Pentecost was unique in God's festivals in that it had to be counted out.
- On that day there was an assembly of the church
- So the disciples were all together in one place, observing Pentecost
The disciples were together, praying
- There was unity among them
- One was not thinking, I'm going back to see mom
- Mat 6:33
- Another was not thinking, I don't want to be here with Peter
- Psalm 133
- There was a unity of purpose, they were all praying for the promise to come, the baptism of the Holy Spirit
- Acts 1:14
The disciples were together, obedient to what God had said
- Acts 1:4-5
- Jesus tells them to do something and they did it
- Are we obedient to every word the Lord tells us?
- It was said of Samuel the prophet he let none of the Lord's words fall to the ground - 1 Sam 3:19
- This last week I have been reading about revival here in the US, starting with Stoddard back in 1672
- I want revival in my own life
- I want revival in this church
- and I want revival in this town
- As I read through this book I noticed a number of things
- Each of these awakeners was sold out, not afraid of consequences, and had a hunger to do what the Lord had laid on their heart
- I am convinced that most all of us have had fire in our bones at some time
- But often we are not obedient to what God says, and we grieve the Holy Spirit
- As we grieve the Holy Spirit, it creates distance between us
- Today we are contending for that fire to return
- We want to return to an obedient walk with God
- We want to do the things we have neglected
- Maybe we are like the church at Ephesus which left its first love
- But we can rebuild what was lost
- Like a marriage
- A marriage can grow cold by not doing the things that make for a vibrant marriage
- But it can also be rebuilt, starting by getting back to the things we did when we were first in love
- So let's turn back to the hunger for God that we had at the beginning, and new life will come into our walk with God
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