A Decision or a Commitment?
July 24, 2011
Romans 12:1-2
July 24, 2011
Romans 12:1-2
- When I was in my teens and 20's I took up cross country running
- I was the top cross country runner at my high school, I was second in our zone, and I came in 26th in the state cross country championship
- There are a lot of comparisons that can be drawn between running a race and the Christian journey
- Paul uses this analogy a number of times in his writings and letters
- There comes a point in every race where the competitor commits to finishing the race
- Until then, he has made a decision to run the race, but a deeper level of commitment comes along the journey.
- Romans 12:1 Living sacrifices
- Today we are going to talk about our Christian journey - is it a decision we made or have we made a commitment?
- Eph 2:1-5
- There was a time in our lives when we had not made the decision to allow Jesus to be out Lord and Savior
- We lived just as the world around us live, we fitted in with society, and did the things society led us to do
- By God's grace, he led us to accept salvation through Jesus
- Do you remember that day?
- It was a day when we experienced the relief of our sins being forgive, the guilt rolling off our back, and hope entering our lives through God's love
- Wasn't it awesome?
- Remember what it was like in the days before this
- It was probably a time of struggle, a time of wrestling with a decision we knew we had to make
- But when we finally answered that call to cross the line to obedience, it was such a relief!
The journey is not easy
- Jesus tells us in John 10:10 that he came so that we may have life, and have it to the full
- This is awesome, and is a great encouragement to us
- But don't take these words out of context
- He is comparing the Good Shepherd to the thief who kills steals and destroys
- Jesus also tells us that the Christian life is not going to be easy street
- Matt 5:11-12
- The prophets too, were not popular, and some of them died for their faith
- Hebrews 11
- Paul speaks of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Rahab, and then he lists a large group of servants of God, who experienced pain in the course of their ministry
- Verse 32-40
- These people had accepted their call, in other words, they decided to obey God's mission for their lives
- But they were committed to it as well, and persevered to the end
- It's not the person who starts the race fast, who necessarily wins the race, and receives commendation
- It is he who finishes the race
- These prophets had committed to completing their assignment, their journey
- We too have made a decision to be obedient to God
- But it is in the actions of our daily lives that we make a commitment to finish the job
- God does not want weaklings in his family
- Matt 11:12
- God is looking for forceful people, who have made a commitment and who will never surrender, who will advance his Kingdom
Commitment is a way of life
- Commitment is not something you decide to do one day
- Commitment is a lifestyle
- It affects everything you do
- When we marry, is it a decision or a commitment?
- The percentage of people who divorce, is just as high among Christians as it is in society
- This should not be so!
- When we make our wedding vows, they are for life! God hates divorce
- There are some exceptions given, certain situations when divorce is permissible
- But God never intended us to divorce
- A marriage is a sacred thing. It is worth fighting for. When the flame of love has died down, rekindle it, work at it.
- But this takes commitment
- When a job is not fun any more is it a time to leave and find a new one, or is it a time to grit our teeth and make something of it?
- When we have found the place God wants us to be in the body, do we commit to it, saying "this is where I belong, this is where God wants me to fellowship, and where he wants me to tithe, support, help out, serve, and help the Kingdom grow"?
- Commitment is a lifestyle
- He does not like people who are half-hearted in their obedience to his calling
- Rev 3:16
- It is committed people God looks for
- So let's examine ourselves
- Are we committed Christians, or merely people who made a decision years ago but have not really followed through on that decision?
- God doesn't tell the Laodiceans they are no-hopers
- Instead, he says to them to change their ways
- Verses 17-19
- Examine your life today
- We started talking about a cross country race
- Are you a committed Christian?
- Are you running a race that you will finish?
- Are you committed in your total lifestyle?
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