What can I bring?
August 21, 2011
1 Cor 14:26-39
1 Cor 14:26-39
- We all sometimes are invited to dinner or to a party or similar event
- Good manners say that we should bring something along, to contribute to the meal, or for the lady of the house
- At church we are invited to a large family gathering
- What can we bring to the table?
- What can we contribute to what happens at church?
- This morning we are going to examine certain spiritual gifts and their role in the church service
- Let's read 1 Corinthians 14:26-40
Gifts are given to the church by the Holy Spirit
- Verse 26
- Each of these is a spiritual gift, to be used in the church service
- When a person is filled with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit gives that person certain spiritual gifts
- 1 Cor 12:7-11
- Each person receives these gifts - verse 7, 11
- These are not the only spiritual gifts mentioned
- Other lists of gifts are in Romans 12 and Ephesians 4
- Further gifts are mentioned in the Old Testament, particularly when connected with the building of the Tabernacle, and worship at the Temple
- The lists of gifts are not exhaustive, just as the Holy Spirit is limitless in His power and capabilities
- Very quickly, let's run through these gifts in 1 Cor 12
- "The message of wisdom" - where God supernaturally reveals the way to deal with a particular situation
- "The message of knowledge" - where God supernaturally shows a bit of information which is needed for breakthrough
- "Faith" - faith is needed with all the gifts
- "Gifts of healing" - here we are speaking of God's supernatural intervention
- "Miraculous powers" - this includes being used by God to do miracles, and generally, deliverance is seen as part of this broad classification
- "Prophecy" - expressing a word from the Lord - this may be prophetic preaching, a word for the church, or a word for an individual
- "Distinguishing between spirits" - the KJV translates this as discernment - being able to discern good from evil, right from wrong, the godly or demonic
- "Speaking in different kinds of tongues" - this is speaking about the public expression of tongues, as a word from the Lord, as opposed to our personal private prayer language
- "The interpretation of tongues" - when a message is given in tongues, it should be interpreted
Gifts are given to strengthen the church
- Spiritual gifts in the church setting are not given for our personal benefit, but rather for the benefit of the church
- Spiritual gifts can be misused by mixing them with the flesh
- For example, a person with the gift of discernment, may have a fleshly tendency to criticize, because they are continually evaluating things
- This is where people sometimes go wrong with spiritual gifts
- What is more frequent though, is that people don't exercise the faith to use their gifting, and as a result, the church misses out
- Eph 2:20-22
- So we are being built up into a spiritual temple, as a church, and as an individual
Gifts are to be used in the service, in an orderly manner
- 1 Cor 14:27-33
- Paul is here focusing on the gift of prophecy
- He is saying that things should be done in an orderly manner
- So prophetic words are given separately, not at the same time
- Sometimes we may feel that God has laid a word on our heart and we have to express it
- Verse 32 says that we have power to control when the word is given
- The enemy tries to control us, God does not
- The church service should be a peaceful expression of the Holy Spirit working through different gifts, and these gifts should flow together smoothly so that God is glorified
So, what do I bring to church?
- The answer is, absolutely nothing!
- God does it all!
- What it does take is people who are humble, teachable and ready to step out in faith as the Holy Spirit guides and empowers them
- But ultimately, it is God who is doing everything
- Eph 2:8-9
- Rom 2:4 - it is even God who gives us the desire to repent!
- Be open to the Holy Spirit
- Allow Him to use you
- As we start off, we may have some inaccurate words,
- But as we become more experienced, we will become more in tune with the Holy Spirit
- I want to encourage all of you to seek the Lord's face, more and more
- This church is going to grow in its availability to the Holy Spirit
- We will be making changes in worship to give more freedom to the Holy Spirit to do as He wills in our services
- And life in the Spirit is exciting!
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