Sunday, January 15, 2012

Can you hear Him? - John 10:4-5

Can you hear him?
January 15, 2012
John 10:4-5

-         It was back in 1961
-         I was 12 years old, and I was reading through the life of Abraham
-         I read in Gen 12 “The Lord had said to Abram, Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to a land I will show you”
-         This seemed so incredible to me, that God would speak to a human being!
-         I had recently memorized a scripture Acts 10:34 – “God is no respecter of persons”
-         So if God would speak to Abraham, wouldn’t he also speak to me?
-         This started a journey for me to find how to hear God’s voice, for me personally
-         I had no instructor in this and it was in 1996 that I first realized I had heard God’s voice
-         Today we are going to speak about hearing God’s voice

Ways God speaks to us
-         There are many ways in which God speaks to us
-         Dreams
-         Often, as we read through the Bible, we read that God or an angel spoke to people through a dream
-         Matt 1:20, 2:12, 2:13, 2:19, 2:22 - The birth of Jesus was announced in dreams
-         Acts 16:9 – Paul’s dream – Macedonian call
-         Visions
-         Acts 2:17-18 – dreams and visions – young people as well
-         Dreams seem to happen more often than in visions, which are essentially the same, except they happen while we are awake
-         The reason may be that we are not quiet enough to be open to hearing God’s voice during the day
-         God’s word
-         Often in reading the Word, a particular verse jumps out at us
-         This is the Holy Spirit speaking to us, personally
-         The verse may mean something to you which it does not mean to someone else
-         It is God speaking to you personally
-         An example is Isa 54:16-17 - To me this told me God was going to use me in setting people free from the enemy
-         I showed it to my pastor and he told me to remember it, it was something God was saying to me, personally
-         Still small voice
-         Another way God speaks to us is through a still small voice
-         1 kings 19:12 – still small voice
-         Have ear open to hear
-         A still small voice is also translated as a whisper
-         When life is busy and we have all the sounds of life coming at us, it is hard for us to hear a whisper
-         This whisper often comes through our thoughts
-         Rarely is it an audible voice

How to listen
-         Habakkuk 2:1-3
-         1. Quieten down
-         Go to a quiet place, no distractions
-         2. Tune in to God
-         Ask the Lord to speak to you, and ask him to protect you from your own thoughts or the enemy’s influence
-         3. Expect an answer
-         Expect that your prayer will be answered, and that you will receive a response from the Lord
-         4. What is your first thought
-         The first thought is usually from the Lord, the second thought is often us second-guessing what God said
-         The word still needs to be tested by scripture
-         5. Write it down
-         Don’t allow God’s words to you, to fall to the ground
-         Samuel was known for his consistency in responding to God’s words
-         These words are precious, treat them as such
-         6. Be obedient
-         Follow through on what God has said

-         God is a God who communicates
-         He wants to be close with his kids
-         Our human dad may not have wanted to be close to us, perhaps they were remote
-         But God desires to be close to us, love us, be our friend
-         This takes time together, enjoying each others presence
-         Listen to Him!

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