3, 2013
1 Cor 13:12
- One of my colleagues lost a close friend this last Tuesday
- Pat Kesler also lost her mother the same day
- I believe both Cynthia and Pat's mom are now in heaven, both of them had accepted Jesus into their lives, and Jesus told us that he was preparing a place for each of us, in heaven
- But what does heaven look like?
- What will it be like to be on the other side of the great divide, when we pass from death into life?
- The Bible does not give an enormous amount of detail on this subject, but this morning I want to look at some verses which give us some clues, and perhaps speculate a little about what things could be like
- But please remember some of this will be speculation, all we really know is what the Bible tells us
does God's throne room look like?
- Rev 4:1-11
- Picture what this looks like
- The apostle John was on an island in the Mediterranean
- He had been banished there for a period of time
- He sees a vision of God's throne room, an open vision
- He sees a throne with someone sitting on it
- Eph 2:4-6 - we are seated with him in the heavenly realms
- Right now, in this life, we are in Christ and he is in us!
- In some way, we are with him in heaven! We can't comprehend this but this is what it says!
- What is it like to be with someone?
- We talks, share, communicate, plan
- Acts 7:49 - heaven is God's throne - how can we think we can provide a temple for a God who fills the universe!
- We are with him and he is with us
- When our spirit goes to heaven, we will be in a place of total intimacy with Jesus
- Him in us, and us in him, you can't get closer than that!
- We will be with Jesus all the time, in total communion
- Just like Jesus with the Father - where you go I'll go, what you speak, I'll speak
- Jesus was in constant communion with the Father, we will be too
kind of body will we have?
- 1 Cor 15:42-49 - a body which is spirit, imperishable (it cannot die), glory, no more weakness, but powerful instead
- 1 Cor 13:12 - we see only a glimpse of God today, only a hazy impression
- But then we will have a full understanding
- Rev 6:9 - given white robes, conscious, speaking to Jesus
- The white robes may imply that they moved around, were not just disembodied spirits under the altar
- They were clothed and thinking and communicating
- 1 John 3:2 - we will be like him, seeing him face to face
- This means we will be able to see his glory, Moses was only allowed to see a part of it
- We will have glory, just as Jesus has, because we will be like him
- How incredible!
we going to be stuck in one place, at the throne?
- First of all, let's read the following
- Rev 3:11-12 - we will never leave the temple of God
- Obviously there is some symbolism here - we will not become literal pillars
- But we will never leave the temple of God
- Rev 21:23 - the Father and the Lamb, are the temple in the new Jerusalem
- The physical temple was only a representation of God
- Psa 139:1-12 - God is everywhere, he is omni-present!
- The universe is not big enough to contain him!
- And yet, we are in God and He is in us!
- This means we will have access to the whole universe
in God's image
- Gen 1:26 - created in God's image
- God is the creator of all things
- He has also place a creative gift in mankind
- That is in this life
- How much more will that be developed when we receive our spirit body!
- We will have incredible capabilities and no doubt God will send us to express that creativity in the universe
- Luke 13:21 - leaven goes through the whole lump of dough
- Dan 2:44-45 - kingdom will never be destroyed, endure forever
- Isa 9:7 - of the increase of His kingdom will be no end
- Those of us who have lost loved ones and are experiencing the pain of loss, be encouraged
- The present pain is on our side of the great divide - the other side is a wonderful place and experience, which our loved ones are now enjoying, living, laughing, planning and working in total closeness with Jesus
- The things we experience today, including miracles, storms being stilled, mountains moved, people being healed of all manner of illnesses, are only a small foretaste of what is yet to come for us, but which our loved ones are now experiencing.
- So be comforted
- 1 Thes 4:13-18
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