March 3, 2013
Psa 77:11
- How many here have a praise report
this morning?
- Each one has something to be thankful
- Often we only look at today's
circumstances, and forget the things God has done for us
- Sometimes we become depressed and
- David had this happen to him too
- He had been anointed to be king, and
yet Saul was still on the throne
- He grew tired of waiting, tired of
running for his life
- He wrote a psalm which shows the way
out of discouragement
- Today we are going to look at what
God says to us about thankfulness
- Psalm 77
Be positive
- Paul too experienced a lot of adverse
things in his life
- He learned that it was better to look
at the positive things than to dwell on the negative
- Phil 4:8 - whatever is true, noble,
- It is better to look at the positive
things, because it causes a release of chemicals in your brain which
are beneficial for you and make you feel better
- What are the positive things in your
- During this service, list as many as
you can remember, on the slip in your bulletin
- Each of us has a lot of positive
things to remember
- You may say no, pastor you dont
understand me
- But each of us is blessed to be
alive, to be saved, to have a gl;orious future ahead of us
- Go ahead and fill out the list,
during the service.
- I will ask for some testimonies at
the end of the service
Be content
- Paul experienced a lot of bad stuff
- 2 Cor 11:23-30 - Paul defends his
credentials for ministry to the Corinthians
- Paul experienced a lot of hardship,
things we have not even come close to
- And yet Paul was a man of peace
- He repeatedly prays for peace for
individuals and for churches, in the many letters he wrote to his
- Paul learned to be ok with whatever
situation he was placed in
- Phil 4:10-13 - I have learned to be
content whatever the circumstances
- This of course means we are content
to be where God has placed us
- It means we trust that he is taking
care of things
- Paul mentions this in verse 19
- God has all the resources, all he
asks of us is that we put him first
- Then he will supply all our need
- Mat 6:33 - seek first the kingdom of
- God does intervene in our lives in so
many ways
- Psalm 77:11
- Remember those times
- that time we were inattentive on the
road and narrowly missed an accident
- that time he intervened and gave us
the perfect job for that moment in our life
- the time he answered our prayers when
our baby was burning up with a fever
- that time we were sitting in the exam
room and could not remember what we had studied
- Add these things to your list too
- The people who made us welcome when
we moved into a new city
- The home that God allows us to live
- The children he has given us for a
- They will grow up and leave home, and
perhaps move far away
- But we have been blessed to enjoy and
rear them for a time, before they spread their wings
- What things have you written on your
list, to be thankful for?
- We Will Remember - Tommy Walker
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