Sunday, January 12, 2014

Blind Bartimaeus - Mark 10:46-52 - Healing Service

Blind Bartimaeus - Healing Service
January 12, 2014
Mark 10:46-52

- Mark 10:46-52

- What is the mountain that you are facing?
- Is it an illness of some kind
- Is it an emotional issue
. Is it some kind of bondage
- Whatever our issue, God is bigger and greater
- He can intervene and change the situation
- No matter how impossible it may seem, God is able to turn it around
- God is able to make molehills out of mountains
- Zech 4:6-7
- He is able to take our past experiences and remove the pain from our memories
- Our God is able to do anything
- Bartimaeus was sitting by the roadside begging
- He was trying to get travellers to have mercy on him and give him some alms
- He hears it is Jesus and shouts to him for mercy

- People told him to be quiet
- People thought he was being rude
-  He persisted because the son of Timothy knew what he needed
- He wanted to be healed
- He wanted to be able to see
- Jesus asked him what he wanted, and Bartimaeus told him
- Bartimaeus had active faith
- He was not feeling sorry for himself
- He was going for it with everything in his being
- He threw off his cloak, jumped to his feet and came to Jesus

- His faith healed him
- It was not because of his need
- It was not because of his poverty or disability
- It was because of his faith that he was healed
- His faith was not some kind of positive thinking
- It was not based on hoping that maybe God would have mercy
- No, he had heard Jesus reputation and he wanted Jesus to do for him what he had done for others
- Faith was knowing that if Jesus heals one person, he would heal him too
- Because God does not play favorites - Acts 10:34, Rom 2:11, Eph 6:9, Col 3:25
- God does not lie - Num 23:19, Titus 1:2
- God is not fickle - Mal 3:6, Heb 13:6
- Jesus healed all who came to him - Mat 8:14-17

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