Follow Your Dream
February 20, 2011
Joshua 3:5
- God spoke to Abraham and promised that his descendents would become a nation and live in The Promised Land
- The promise was repeated to Abraham's son Isaac
- It was repeated again to his son Jacob
- One of Jacob's sons was Joseph
- God gave Joseph dreams of his future
- His brothers were jealous of him
- Joseph was sold as a slave into Egypt
- The dreams became real, and he was followed by the rest of his family
- They settled in Egypt, in the best of the land
- But they were still not in the Promised Land
- As times went on, the locals became jealous and fearful of their growing power
- They were enslaved and built pyramids and treasure cities for their captors
- They continued to dream, of a Promised Land
- We all have dreams
- Take your two slips of paper, and on each of them write your dream
- It may only be one or two words, meaningless to anyone else, but for you it is the key to your heart
- On the back of each slip, write your dream for this church
- We dream of being a doctor, or a missionary
- We dream of starting a rehab center, or a buying a log cabin
- We dream of being all God wants us to be
- Write it down
- Today we will look at some key aspects in following our dream
There is a right time
- God's timing may be different than ours
- God knows when we are ready
- Heb 6:10-12 - God's timing may be longer term than we expect
- So continue waiting and working expectantly
- James 1:4 - Not receiving immediately, creates something of value
- Wealth quickly gotten is quickly gone
- Keep your eyes on God
- He is creating something of value in you
- Rom 1:18-22 Abraham - the father of the faithful
- Former New York Giant George Martin
- Walked 3000 miles across USA to raise money for 9/11 workers
- Took 10 months, 4 months longer than planned
- Lost 40 lbs - 24 pairs of shoes - 80 pairs socks
- Weather, changed course but stayed on track
- Raised $2 million
- 1 Sam 17:45 - David and Goliath
- Do we see a giant to big to overcome, or too big to miss?
- Rom 8:35-39 - We are more thank conquerors
Stay close to God
- Joshua 3
- Follow the ark
- Leaders to take step of faith
- Takes connection with God
- We may like other options than prayer and Bible study
- But these are God's options for us
- v.5 consecrate yourself
- This removes barriers to God's power, and fellowship
- Our faith is built up so we put our feet in the water
- and we start across to follow our dreams
Pray over dreams
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