How Do I Start Over?
October 23, 2011
October 23, 2011
Hosea 11:4
- John grew up in a respectable home
- His dad was a hardworking husband and father, his mother took care of the home and the children
- John felt cared for and made a lot of good choices as he was growing up
- He completed High School, went on to college, and graduated with a bachelor of science degree in engineering
- He landed a good job which paid well.
- One evening John met a young lady
- He was instantly attracted to her and as time went on they became engaged, and then were married.
- Everything seemed to have gone well for John
- But there came a day when John started making mistakes
- After work, John would go to have a few drinks with his friends
- He started drinking consistently, always thinking he had it under control
- He ran into a lady friend, and they started seeing more and more of each other
- Eventually, things started unraveling
- John’s marriage of 12 years, dissolved in divorce
- His children now spend one weekend with mom, one weekend with him
- Things are a mess. He is sorry about how things have turned out
- How can John start over?
- We all have areas of our lives where we have been like John
- How can we personally start over?
- Today we are going to look at the beginning of the road back
What stops people from starting over?
- There are many things that hold people back from starting over
- There is the fear of what others will think about us if we turn around
- There is the fear of what God thinks of us, would He really accept me back?
- There is the guilt we feel inside, which makes us feel unworthy of having another opportunity to get it right
- This can be so deeply engrained that we give up on trying
- Hopelessness takes over
- 2 Cor 7:10 Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death
- Another thing that stops us from starting over, is our pride
- We feel we’ve got it pretty well together
- There are a few aspects of our life that need to change but by and large we are ok
- We compare ourselves to others and think we’re doing fine
- 1 Pet 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
How does God look at us?
- Hosea 11:4 I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love; I lifted the yoke from their neck and bent down to feed them.
- God rescued Israel from slavery and made them a nation which was incredibly blessed
- The Israelites would turn away from him
- God encouraged the Israelites time and time again, to turn back
- He wanted their salvation, not their destruction
- The story of the Old Testament is a story of a backsliding nation, God warning them, them ignoring his prophets, and eventually them going into captivity
- God sees us the same way
- He has extended his hand of forgiveness to us, and offers us the way to holiness
- But often we have become lax and spiritually lazy
- We may have turned away from him for a time, perhaps even most of our lives
The prodigal son
- Now lets turn to the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15
- Luke 15:11-24
- The Father’s attitude was one of welcoming his prodigal son back home
- No matter where we have been or what we have done, God stands ready to welcome us back
- We may have neglected serving him, we may have dabbled in the world’s ways
- We may even have gone completely off the rails, and made a total mess of our lives
- But God stands ready to welcome us back
- More than that, he runs toward the prodigal
- He actively pursues us, and chastens us and encourages us to come back
- The good shepherd goes after the lost sheep and brings it back into the fold
- He does not interfere with our power of choice though
- We have to choose, is this the day I am turning back to God with my whole heart?
- Jer 29:13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart
- God is not looking for half-hearted Christians
- He seeks people with a pure heart.
Is this the day you will make a choice?
- God is seeking you
- You may have accepted Jesus a long time ago, but he seeks those whose heart is perfect before him
- Do you want to be one of these?
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