Knowing your enemy!
October 9, 2011
2 Cor 2:10-11
- Last week I started talking about the enemy, and how he builds strongholds in people’s lives
- Not all of us necessarily believe in a real devil
- Knowing your enemy is threatening
- Looking your enemy in the face means you see him, and you are forced to do something with this awareness
- When we were kids, we sometimes were scared of the dark
- Maybe we used to whistle in the dark to keep our courage up
- Maybe we sang who’s afraid of the big bad wolf
- The unfortunate thing is that whistling in the dark makes no difference to reality
- Similarly, I may believe that the moon is made of green cheese, or that the earth is flat, but that doesn’t make it so
- Today, let’s look, hypothetically, at how the devil works
The enemy is after our destruction
- John 10:10
- The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy
- There is nothing good that the enemy brings to the table
- Sometimes we may think what he offers is desireable
- Just like Eve and Adam eating the forbidden fruit
- Satan wanted to pull Adam down and destroy the purpose God had for Adam
- So the fruit looked good
- This is a key aspect to the enemy, he is a deceiver
Satan the deceiver
- 2 Cor 11:14 – Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light
- Satan tries to lead us astray by placing a counterfeit that appears to be right, in our path
- The difference from the true version may only be slight
- But as we accept that one bit of deception, more comes our way, and gradually we move away from the truth and the simplicity we have in Christ
- 2 Cor 11:3 - But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
- Jesus warns that there would be deceivers in the last days
- Matt 24:24 – they will even perform miracles to deceive even the elect – if that were possible
- You see, what they say will not agree with the Holy Spirit inside us
- If we are walking close with God, we will not be able to be deceived
- But if we are off at a distance, the enemy’s lies can seem attractive
- Here are some examples
- Members of a certain cult come to your door, two by two
- They start to talk and tell you about Bible prophecy, and similar things that you may be interested in
- You invite them in and get them some coffee, and they read some scriptures to you that make you think that maybe you have not heard the whole story
- Little by little your curiosity grows and before long doubts have been sown
- This eventually leads to you no longer believing the simplicity of the gospel
- Deception is one of the enemy’s main tools
- 2 John 10-11 – do not take him into your house, or welcome him
- Someone comes to you and says they have the gift of healing
- They will lay hands on you and you will be made well
- But realize that just as the Holy Spirit gives us gifts, including healing, the enemy also gives power to his workers
- Remember Mat 24:24, they will even do signs and miracles
- But it’s not ablut the miracles, it is about what teaching they bring
- Jesus warns us about this
- Mat 7:21-23 – he says to them – I never knew you
How do you protect yourself from deception?
- Know the truth
- John 8:32 You shall know the truth and the truth shall mae you free
- Where do we find truth?
- In God’s word
- John 17:17 – thy word is truth
- Psalm 51:6 - Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place
- Remember last week we talked about being made holy through and through
- We need to be soaked and marinated in God’s truth
- Then we will know the difference between right and wrong, good and evil
- This is where discernment comes in
- But it starts with two things: Knowing God’s word, and closeness with God
- One of the marks of the enemy, and one of the main ways he gets to us, is through deception
- When we know the truth, Satan won’t be able to deceive us
- But Satan has many techniques he uses
- We’ll talk more about that next week!
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