He’s Alive!
April 8, 2012Matthew 28:6
- On Friday we commemorated the Crucifixion of Jesus
- God had planned this event from the creation of the world
- Jesus is described in Revelation as the Lamb slain from the creation of the world (Rev 13:8)
- In old testament times, this Jesus was symbolized by the Passover lamb which was killed around Easter time, reminding the Israelites of their release from captivity in Egypt
- In the same way, by Jesus’ death, we have been released from captivity to sin and death
- John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life
- But a dead Saviour cannot give us life
- He has to be raised from the dead, otherwise we have no hope
- In the 1668, an Italian scientist called Francesco Redi, established in a controlled experiment that life can only come from life
- A dead Jesus cannot give us life
- And yet Jesus is described as the one who brings life (John 1:4 – in Him was life, and that life was the light of men)
Resurrection Day events
- There is an earthquake and an angel rolls the stone away from the tomb entrance, and sits on the stone
- Mary Magdalene, Mary Jesus’ mother, and Salome go to the tomb and see that the stone has been removed
- Mary Magdalene runs back in a panic, thinking the body has been stolen (John 20:1-2)
- The other two women enter the tomb and see an angel who tells the Jesus has risen. (Mark 16:4-8, Matt 28:5-7)
- Peter and John run to the tomb after Mary Magdalene’s report, see the empty grave clothes, and believe Jesus has risen from the dead (John 20:3-9)
- Mary Magdalene has returned to the tomb, and Jesus appears to her, and tells her to tell the others that Jesus is alive and returning to his Father and our Father, his God and our God. Mary is not allowed to worship him because he has not yet returned to the Father (John 20:10-18)
- Later that day, Jesus appears to the disciples on the road to Emmaus
- That evening, the disciples were together with the doors locked, and Jesus appears in their midst. He tells them, peace be with you, and shows them his hands and side to prove it is himself. He commissions them to do the same task the Father had entrusted to him, and he breathes into them the Holy Spirit (John 20:19-22)
Jesus gives life
- So we read that Jesus was resurrected
- If Jesus was not resurrected, our sins are not forgiven (1 Cor 15:16-19)
- John 10:10 – I am come that they may have life, and have it to the full
- It is crucial that we know that Jesus was resurrected
- This is why the angels spoke to the women
- This is why Jesus appeared to Mary, then the disciples on the way to Emmaus
- This is why he appeared to Peter (Luke 24:34)
- This is why Jesus appeared to the apostles, and gave them the Holy Spirit
- It is the Spirit that gives life
- John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickens; the flesh profits nothing
- We need a Savior who is alive, who has the power to make a difference, the power to give us eternal life
How do we know that Jesus was resurrected?
- Jesus appeared to the disciples as we said
- He appeared to them not only on that day but many times after that, up until his ascension
- Paul tells us that over 500 church members saw Jesus after his resurrection, and that most of them were still alive at around 50 AD when he wrote this letter to the Corinthians
- The apostles staked their lives on the resurrection
- 11 of the 12 apostles were martyred for their faith – look up Foxes Book of Martyrs
- Today, Jesus still shows us he is alive
- We pray to him and receive answers
- Do we have any testimonies here, of sicknesses that were healed, of lives that have been changed?
- My own testimony is that Jesus has completely changed my life
- I grew up in the midst of abuse. Our home was filled with terror and pain and hurt. I felt totally inferior and inadequate.
- I did not think that God could do anything with my life
- But Jesus healed me from my abuse, he healed me from my depression, he took away the fear of man and gave me a boldness to preach the gospel
- Frankie was healed – she had been told her medical condition meant she could never have a baby. Jesus healed her and she is now the proud mother of Lilly Ann
- John went to the hospital and had a 75% blockage of his aorta
- When he went back, it had disappeared. Jesus stepped in!
- Another person had a black spot on his x-ray
- After prayer he went for surgery and the spot had disappeared. Jesus is our healer
- But more than physical healings, Jesus changes lives
- What things have happened in your life to let you know Jesus is alive today?
Testimonies …
- Jesus is alive
- He is alive today
- And he wants to make each one of us alive!
- He was the lamb who died so that we would no longer live in sin, but our sins could be forgiven and we would be white as snow
- This is why we take communion on Resurrection Sunday
- Jesus lives today, and he has given us life!
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