April 1, 2012
Mark 11:1-11
- It was 30/31 AD
- Jesus had come down the Jordan Valley, and then started the climb up to Jerusalem
- Jesus passed through Jericho, and reached Bethany
- In Bethany he stayed with his friends Lazarus, Mary and Martha
- He was known there as the One who raised Lazarus from the dead
- Then he prepared to ascend the east side of the Mount of Olives
- At this time something extraordinary happened
- Mark 11:1-11
- For 3 ½ years Jesus had been with the disciples
- They were with Rabbi Jesus
- The great Rabbi who put the Pharisees in their place
- He had taught them, prayed with them, trained them
- He had become really close with them, closer than we may picture
- Some of the disciples were more close than others
- Peter, James and John were like an inner circle, they were closer to Jesus, and he later used them greatly in starting the church
- John himself became known as the disciple Jesus loved
- They were really close to him
God makes himself approachable
- This was a time when God was intervening in world affairs in a huge way
- Mankind had chosen to rebel and sin and follow the enemy’s ways
- You would think God would give up, allow man to destroy himself and start up with plan B
- But he didn’t
- He was not taken by surprise
- He had planned from the beginning, that he would make himself approachable, and become a human being, without losing his divinity
- And so God became flesh
- Jesus was with the disciples, they were of first name terms
- God showed them he cared
- He cared about the disciples
- He cared about the homeless and the prostitutes and the criminals
- He cared about publicans and sinners
- Because he wanted them to have a chance to get it right
- Mark 2:17
- Jesus offers us this closeness with Him
- John 15:12-17
Yet He is a King
- It is awesome that we have Jesus as our friend
- And yet, Jesus is more than a friend
- He is none less than the ruler of the universe
- He is our King
- When we accepted him into our life as our Lord and Savior, we placed Him on the throne of our life
- We recognized that by ourselves we cannot get it right
- We needed someone bigger and stronger than us, to help us
- That is why God became our friend, a fellow human being, in the form of Jesus
- Jesus is our king
- He now sits on the throne of the universe, and he offers us life instead of death, he offers us blessing instead of curses, he offers us an eternity of fulfillment
- As Jesus ascends the Mount of Olives, and as he enters Jerusalem, the crowds are calling out “Hosanna, hosanna in the highest!”
- These are not the same people who a week later would cry out “Crucify him!” These were friends of Lazarus who had been resurrected
- Bartimaus was in this crowed. Lazarus was probably there too
- These had seen the power of God displayed and they acknowledged Jesus as King
Will we acknowledge Jesus as king?
- Often we are comfortable with the idea of Jesus as our friend
- But when it comes to obedience and following his will, we sometimes draw away from him
- Yet Jesus came as our King as well as our friend
- We should treat him with the respect he deserves
- The story of Palm Sunday is a story of obedience
- It is a story of treating our King as the one who we follow
- Not deciding, I want to obey now, but that thing yesterday, no I did not want to be obedient in that
- Jesus came as our friend but we also revere him as our King
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