June 17, 2012
Romans 12:2
Father's Day!
- I am sure that all dads sitting here today, woke up this morning feeling special
- Because dads are special
- We leave a lasting imprint on the people we touch, but not just now, but for generations to come!
- Video clip - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7g0PcT9f7s
- As a dad, and as a mom and as a teenager, we don’t always conduct ourselves the way we should
- We do things that don’t match the image that we have of how we should be
- Perhaps yesterday we fell down on the job in some way
- We had to ask our wife or our child to forgive us, because we messed up
- It may have lasting implications
- How do we go about changing our tendency to sin?
- Today we are going to examine how to tackle sin in our lives
The process of sin
- This action did not occur in an instant
- This action was the result of a process
- James 1:13-15
- The process of sin starts in our mind, when our own evil desires tempt us
- Our mind is the battleground where the battle is fought
- Our actions are merely the end result of that process
- So,
- We may want to conquer a particular sin
- Let’s say, we become angry really quickly
- We have a temper
- At what point do we try to overcome this tendency
- If we start at the end of the process, it will be very hard to stop ourselves from seeing red
- That is not going to work
- Yet that is so often how we try to overcome sin
How to defeat sin
- A better place to start would be in dealing with the temptation
- If we deal with the temptation, we automatically deal with the sin
- For example, if I have a problem dealing with pornography, the answer is not in putting a reporting program on my computer, though that would be a good additional deterrent
- A better way to deal with pornography is to get to the temptation itself, by finding ways to avoid porn sites
- 1 Cor 6:18
- We could make our spouse the administrator on our computer, and she could then set the settings to the safest possible level.
- If we now enter the computer as a guest, not as an administrator, we would be limited as to the sites we could visit
- But even then, I am still trying to deal with sin on a surface level
- I have not really changed inside
What we need is to change inside
- Romans 12:1-2
- God has called us to be a living sacrifice
- A sacrifice is complete, we do not sacrifice half a sheep, bull or goat
- So God’s intention for us is that we be wholeheartedly surrendered to Him
- This means that we deal with sin at its deepest level, in our minds.
- But how do we do that, you may ask
- How can I transform my mind?
- My mind is evil from the get-go
- Jer 17:9 – “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” – NIV
- “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? – KJV
- So what hope have I got?
The solution
- The solution is to be transformed in our mind
- This is no easy process, no quick fix
- But it is something that is part of the transforming work that happens in our mind
- Jesus is the one who changes us
- But we can sit back and just wait for it to happen.
- Do you think that is what God intends?
- No, he works in partnership with us
- What we are seeking is to think the way he does
- He has expressed this in his word, the Bible
- Each word written in this book is there to show us how to think like he does
- The bad examples were for our learning and the good examples show us how He thinks
- So the way to conquer sin, is to go right to the root of the matter
- Next week we will take a look at how to work our way through the process of defeating temptations
- It is possible to put down sin
- We do not have to be a helpless victim, time after time
- There is a way to cut right to the heart of the tree
- Next week, we will go deeper into this subject, and see how we can do this, in practical steps
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