Sunday, June 24, 2012

Living in Victory! - Heb 13:2

Living in Victory
June 24, 2012
Hebrews 13:2

-         Last week we started the message we will be continuing today
-         We saw that the process of sin is outlined in James 1:13-15
-         Sin starts as a thought, which we dwell upon and which finally becomes an action
-         So the way to deal with sin, is not in concentrating on not doing certain activities
-         The way to deal with deeply ingrained weaknesses, is to go back to the root of the matter, our mind
-         But how do we do this?

When did the problem start?
-         Let’s take an example
-         John was the nicest guy possible
-         But John had one weakness
-         His weakness was that if he saw money lying around, he would take it for himself
-         John knew he was stealing, and he hated himself for doing it
-         But somehow it seemed so hard to not take the money lying right there in front of him
-         How should John deal with this?
-         In John’s case, the problem started when he was eight
-         John remembered the time
-         He was living in a family where there never seemed to be enough money
-         He did not recognize it at the time, but looking back, he recognized that his family was poor
-         His parents weren’t able to buy the new clothes a growing youngster needed
-         He grew up with the idea that he was less than the kids around him
-         He felt a need to show others he was as good as they were
-         He did notr want to feel poor

Identify the wrong thought
-         The next step John should take is to examine his thoughts
-         Psalm 139:23 – search me and know my thoughts
-         God is able to show us the source of the problem
-         So we test our thoughts, are they according to God’s word?
-         John doesn’t know what is wrong, but God does
-         So John asks God to show him where he is going wrong
-         He recognizes that there is a lie in his thinking
-         I am not good enough
-         I am poor
-         I can’t trust God to take care of me
-         As he asks God to help him see where he is going wrong a verse keeps popping into his mind – “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be given to you as well”
-         He recognizes this verse – Matthew 6:33
-         Then he remembers another verse – “My God will supply all your need” – Phil 4:19

Study what God’s word says
-         As John continues thinking about what God spoke to him, he starts studying the subject of God supplying our needs in the Bible
-         He takes a Bible Concordance and looks up various words related to this
-         He lists these verses, and writes them out
-         He asks someone who knows the Bible well, to help him find these verses, and others
-         Gradually he builds up a considerable list which defined the subject, based on the Bible

Read these verses daily
-         John now writes out these verses, and starts reading them daily
-         Each morning, during his devotional time, he takes those verses, reads them and thinks about them
-         David did this
-         Psalm 118:147-148 – meditate
-         David thinks about what he reads in God’s word
-         As we read these words, they are soaking into our thinking
-         They become part of our memory bank
-         John 14:26 – The Holy Spirit will bring all things to remembrance

These verses tell the truth
-         Jesus tells us in John 17, “Thy Word is truth”
-         The Bible defines truth
-         The verses John has written out are now becoming a part of his thinking
-         He sees that if he puts God first in his life, God will provide for his needs
-         As he is obedient to God’s financial laws, God promises to bless him
-         God promises to supply all his need
-         On top of that, God has made John his child
-         He is no less than the person next to him
-         In fact, one of the verses he wrote out, is that “he would be the head and not the tail” – Deut 28:13
-         He starts to see that he is a person of value to God

The result
-         One day, John sees some cash lying on the counter at work
-         He immediately is reminded of a verse he wrote out – “Steal no longer” – rather have something to share with those in need – Ephesians 4:28
-         Verses start coming back to him
-         “Don’t be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” – Romans 12:21
-         John’s heart has changed
-         He doesn’t need that cash on the counter
-         Instead, when he hears of someone in need, he becomes generous and helps them in their time of need!
-         He has moved beyond the tight fisted person he used to be, into someone who is generous and giving, just as God is to him

-         So the way to deal with these issues is:
-         1. When did the problem start?
-         2. Identify the lie
-         3. Find the truth in God’s Word
-         4. Make the truth a part of your thinking
-         5. Overcome evil with good

-         Each of us can deal with our deep-seated issues in this way
-         It doesn’t matter what the issue, this method of using God’s word will work
-         God’s word will not return to him void – Isaiah 55:11
Next week we will look at the role of the Holy Spirit in our overcoming

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