Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hearing God's Voice! - John 10:4

Hearing God’s voice
June 9, 2013
John 10:4

-         People have varying levels of closeness to God
-         We are all at different stages of our walk with Jesus
-         On our journey, we will be moving forward with him
-         2 Pet 3:18 – Grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus
-         John 15:5 – Bear fruit
-         2 Cor 3:18 – from glory to glory
-         1 Pet 1:16 – God seeks those who want to be holy as he is holy
-         Being part of the vine implies we have close contact with God
-         During drought, soil pulls away from the roots, and plants dry up
-         There comes a point where the plant cannot be revived (Heb 2:1-3)
-         So we need this close contact with God
-         Today we are going to examine the subject of hearing God’s voice

-         Time after time in the Bible we read about people who hear from God
-         The Bible was written by people who heard God’s voice – it was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (Heb 1:1)
-         Has God changed?
-         Does he no longer wish to communicate with his people?
-         Of course not
-         Heb 13:8 – Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever
-         Mal 3:6 – I am the Lord, I change not
-         John 10:4 – Jesus says his sheep know his voice (Heb 3:7)
-         So how do we develop hearing from God?

-         Isa 66:2 – To this man will I look
-         A person who is humble in his walk with God is teachable
-         When the Lord says to do something, he will accept it and be obedient
-         Sometimes God speaks to us and we make the choice to not obey , at this time
-         Eph 4:30 – this grieves the Holy Spirit
-         The Holy Spirit is responsive to our attitude
-         If we don’t want to be obedient, he will stop speaking
-         Sometimes we ask God for direction
-         So God responds in a number of different ways.
-         Perhaps we do not act on his answer immediately
-         We may keep asking for direction, but it seems heaven is silent
-         Possibly this is because he has already given direction but we did not receive it
-         1 Sam 3:19 – Samuel did not let one of the Lord’s words fall to the ground
-         He kept God’s words holy, he treasured them, he obeyed them

-         1 Kings 19:12 – a still small voice – a quiet thought in our mind – the most usual kind of word from God
-         Heb 4:12 - a word from the Bible – a verse jumps out at you with a personal meaning for you – is called a “rhema” word
-         Acts 16:9 – visions and dreams
-         Acts 16:7, Rev 3:8 - circumstances can show God’s intention for us – a door may be open for one alternative, but closed for another
-         1 Sam 3:10 – an audible voice – not a frequent way God speaks today
-         Romans 8:16, 9:1 - an inner knowing through the Holy Spirit should accompany any word from God – disquiet usually indicates a problem

-         The word we hear can have three sources
-         It could come from God, it could come from the enemy, it could be our own mind speaking
-         So how do we know if it is from God?
-         1.  It has to be according to God’s Word
-         Isa 8:20 – according to law and testimony
-         2. Has to fit with previous revelation
-         Num 23:19 – God is not a man that he should lie
-         3. He gives us peace with it
-         John 14:27 – my peace I give to you (Phil 4:7)
-         4. Seek qualified counsel before making major changes
-         Prov 11:14, 15:22

-         The closer we are to God, the more we will treasure what he says
-         Like Samuel, don’t let God’s words fall to the ground

-         Hab 2:1-3
-         1. Be attentive to what he will say – expect an answer - according to your faith be it unto you
-         2. God often responds immediately, even as you are asking the question
-         3. Write down the word or revelation in a journal
-         4. If you don’t understand, that is fine, it may be for a yet future time
-         5. Be obedient

-         1. Be humble and obedient
-         2. God speaks in different ways
-         - thoughts, scripture, visions/dreams, circumstances, audible voice, inner knowing
-         3. Evaluate – is it from God?
-         - Is it according to God’s word, Does it fit previous words, Inner peace, Seek counsel on major moves
-         4. Listen
-         - be attentive, write it down, be obedient

-         As children of our Father, he wants to communicate with us
-         How can we do what he wants, if we are not listening to him?
-         I see this church as an army of war4riors, moving out as the Commander sends us
-         We need the communication channel open so we can be doing what he says
-         Where you go I’ll go, where you move, I’ll move

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