July 28, 2013
Psalm 37:28
- Story about couple, getting married, hard times, but commitment pulls them through
- When two people get married, what is it that goes without saying, at the core of their relationship? Faithfulness
- However, in life, things change
- Nothing is so constant as change
- In a marriage, over time, issues encroach on the relationship
- Today, over one in two marriages ends in divorce
- One of the major causes of divorce is marital unfaithfulness
- But faithfulness is far more all-encompassing than that
- Today we are going to look at some areas where God expects us to be faithful
- Relationships with God are expressed in terms of a marriage
- In the Old Testament, God was married to Israel
- Ezekiel 16 – God finds a cast-off baby in the field, takes care of it, it grows up to be a beautiful woman, at the appropriate time, God marries her
- Here he is speaking about ancient Israel
- Israel listened to the requirements of this agreement, and says “I do” - Exodus 19:3-8
- That marriage ceased, when Jesus died on the cross.
- In the New Testament we are the bride of Christ
- Rev 19:7-9 – wedding of the Lamb
- Eph 5:25-30 – our physical marriage is a type of our spiritual marriage to Jesus
- This spiritual marriage is no less real and literal than our physical marriage
- Faithfulness is an essential part of this marriage to Jesus
- The expression God is faithful, is mentioned many times throughout the Bible
- God expects us to be faithful to him, just as he is faithful
- Phil 2:5 – Let this mind or attitude be in you that was also in Christ Jesus
- Our relationship to the church is also expressed in similar intimacy
- Eph 5:23 – we are a part of the bride, the body of Christ
- As a part of the body, we cannot be separated from it, without dying
- John 15:1-6 – the branches must stay connected to the vine
- 1 Cor 12:12-18 – each part of the body is exactly where he has purposed it to be
- Each part is needed in that place
- Otherwise the body is maimed and incomplete
- Our remaining present in the body, is a part of being faithful to God
- Heb 10:25 – Do not give up meeting together
- Stay committed to the part of the body where God has called you
- Come to church services
- Be at church events
- Exercise your particular gifts God gave you, to edify the Church
- Mal 3:8 – robbing God in tithes and offerings
- Tithing is the God-ordained way to support the work he is doing
- In the Old Testament this was the work of the Levites in the temple and religious ceremony
- In the New Testament that work is being done through the church
- When we are not obedient to God's command to give him his portion, we are robbing God
- Being faithful to God includes supporting the church
- Being faithful is a state of being, not a single action of being faithful
- If I am faithful at work, I will most likely be faithful at home and in my spiritual life
- If I am unfaithful in my sexual life, I will most likely be unfaithful at work and in my relationship with God
- Psalm 37:28 – If I am a faithful person, God will be with me
- God supports his faithful ones
- Matt 6:33 – seek first the kingdom of God, and he will take care of you
- Here he is speaking of the necessities of life
- Paul needed financial support
- He was in prison, people had forsaken him, and he needed support
- The church in Philippi came through, and brought assistance to Paul
- Phil 4:19 – Paul tells the Philippians, and us, “My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus”
- So let's be known as a faithful person
- When Paul chose people for the ministry, he looked for people who were faithful
- In 1 Tim 3, 2 Tim 2:2 and Titus 1, Paul makes clear that the leaders of the flock must be faithful
- Faithfulness is one of the fruits of the Spirit – Gal 5:22-23
- And faithfulness is the commitment that keeps things unified and moving forward
- If we conduct our lives as faithful men and women, one day Jesus will tell us, as well as millions of others with us: “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord!"
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