Sunday, August 4, 2013

Dealing with hurts - Matt 18:15-20

Dealing with hurts
August 4, 2013
Matt 18:15-20

  • A person can be hurt so easily
  • All it takes sometimes, is a sideways glance
  • Sometimes we hurt people totally unintentionally, with the best will in the world.
  • There was someone I knew, who had a cat
  • This cat ran out into the road, was hit by a car, and he found it lying dead in the gutter.
  • The cat was a mess
  • So he took a spade, wrapped it in a sack, dug a hole in the back yard, and buried it.
  • He did not want his sister to see it as it now looked.
  • He was barely out of high school when this happened
  • Later I heard that my sister had had a huge problem with this, wondering what had happened to our cat
  • I am so sorry I dealt with it as I did, but it was totally unintentional, with the best will in the world.
  • Sometimes hurts come as a result of anger, or other impure motives
  • Sometimes nothing actually happened, but it is all a misunderstanding
  • How do we deal with these issues?
  • Today I want to go through an overview of some biblical principles regarding how we deal with these different kinds of upsets in relationships

  • When someone hurts us, we have an initial reaction
  • That reaction can vary, depending on how closely we are listening to God
  • We can respond in anger, irritation or resentment. We can just bury it, it's just one more thing we have buried. Or we can respond with a forgiving, merciful attitude
  • What are the results:
  • If we respond in anger, the situation will only get worse, and the rift in the relationship becomes deeper. Wounds are reopened, and the anger develops into a resentment to the other person, and eventually becomes bitterness.
  • That bitterness infects our life, in all kinds of unrelated ways, including sickness
  • If we bury it, yet again, it has not been dealt with
  • Sooner or later all those things we have buried will find their expression in some negative way
  • One way is that we explode uncontrollably, bringing fallout to all around us
  • Alternatively we implode in anger at ourselves, and seek to hurt ourselves, in addictions, resentment, and possibly suicide
  • None of this is good
  • If we respond in mercy, it gives time to sort the situation out
  • It is a step towards reconciliation and forgiveness
  • It is not the world's way
  • The world's way of responding is tit for tat, an eye for an eye
  • God's way is that we show mercy, just as we have been shown mercy

  • Matt 18:16-20
  • First, go to your brother alone
  • Don't talk to others about it, don't gossip about it, don't ask others to pray for your situation, don't ask your pastor how to deal with this
  • Just go to your brother alone and seek to reconcile
  • How do you reconcile? You go with a merciful, forgiving attitude. The same way Jesus said “Lord forgive them, they don't know what they are doing” - Luke 23:34
  • Hopefully when we go with a humble and merciful attitude, we can resolve the situation
  • But what if they don't want to reconcile?
  • What if they don't want to say sorry
  • Pray for them – Luke 6:27-31 – don't retaliate
  • Do good to them – Romans 12:20-21
  • Live peaceably with them – Rom 12:18
  • Don't insist on your rights – 1 Pet 4:8 - love covers a multitude of sins
  • Overcome evil with good – Rom 12:21
  • If it is something that has to be dealt with, take someone else with you to speak to them, to get it on record.
  • But do so with this same humble, merciful, forgiving attitude
  • Hopefully, this will encourage them to bury the hatchet
  • As a last resort, take it to the church
  • But still do so in a loving, merciful manner
  • The pastor may or may not agree with your view on the situation
  • Allow the church to deal with it
  • Trust that God will give wisdom in the situation
  • Finally, if you are still not able to reconcile, keep out of each other's way
  • Not every disagreement warrants a person being put out of the church
  • They are a part of the body, we don't start chopping off arms and legs
  • This is only done where a person is damaging the body, and are not walking with us
  • It's like cutting out a cancer, something life-threatening
  • Even then, we pray that they will repent and come back into fellowship
  • We have the power to bind people by refusing to be merciful to them, or we have the power to loose them, by forgiving them

  • God's intention for us is that we walk in agreement
  • That is why this scripture is in the context of dealing with issues in our relationships
  • Matt 18:19-20
  • That does not mean we will always see things exactly the same way, or do things in an identical manner
  • God loves variety, and he loves that we all make our choices, and that we are different
  • But God does seek that we walk in agreement
  • On the big things we totally agree, like Jesus being our Savior, the Bible being God's Word, that we are saved by grace and not by our works
  • But we can have differences of opinion on things that are not totally clear in the word
  • And we may disagree with how someone is doing things in their life, but we also know to his own master he stands or falls
  • we are all running our own race, we have been given different talents and gifts to develop
  • God has a different purpose and road for each of us, though each road starts with accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior

  • Let's be a church that is unified
  • Psalm 133 – How good and how pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in unity!
  • If we have an issue with someone, let's seek to reconcile
  • Let's forgive each other just as Jesus forgave us
  • Let's live together in peace, and without judgment
  • Let's be a place where visitors will recognize this is the home they have never experienced before


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