According to Your Faith
January 23, 2011
Matt 9:27-31
- Jesus was in Capernaum, where he lived
- He appears to have had a home in this town
- Peter had a house here too, this was his home town
- Andrew, James and John also lived there
- Capernaum at that time was not large
- Its population in Jesus day is estimated between 600-1200
- Jesus was at home there, he probably knew everyone in town, more or less
- This day, Jesus had just visited the home of Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue
- His daughter had died, and he asked Jesus to raise her to life. Jesus went to his home, and the young girl was raided from the dead
- On his way back to his home, two blind men followed Jesus
- As he gets indoors, they come in too, and have a request to make
Jesus is Messiah
- These two blind men repeatedly called Jesus the son of David
- This was a term used for the Messiah
- One of the prophecies of the Messiah was that he would make the blind see
- Isa 35:5
- These two blind men believed first of all that Jesus was the Messiah, and secondly, that the Messiah would heal the eyes of the blind
- So they based their faith on a scriptural promise
- We too need to find God's promises for our situation
- There are verses which give a general answer to us
- There are also verses which are specific, seemingly just for us and our situation
- It may be no verse seems to cover our situation.
- Ask the Lord for a word
- He will respond, he loves it when we communicate with him
- That word may be in different forms, but it may often be in the Bible
Jesus is God
- Jesus asks them if they believe that he is able to do this
- This question implies, do they believe that he is divine, and having the power to heal
- So they identified him as one whom the Bible promises would heal the blind, and they also believe he has the power to perform the miracle
- How does this relate to us?
- We need to be in a relationship with Jesus, knowing and believing he is real
- We need to be seeing his fingerprints in our life, seeing areas where he has changed situations or healed relationships, without our doing
According to your faith be it unto you
- Because they had recognized him as the Messiah, the one who would bring restoration to people's lives, and healing to the blind, Jesus wanted to help them
- Because they had pursued him and persisted, he saw their deep desire for healing, and he had compassion opn them
- Because they believed he was divine and had the power to actually heal them, Jesus desired to grant their request
- These three things added up to faith
- They had faith that Jesus would heal them
- One final quality was apparent
- In calling out, have mercy on us they showed they needed mercy and grace
- They could not take healing for granted
- If we find a word in scripture, or in our relationship with God, that applies to our situation, we can expect that God will fulfill our request
- If we are close to God and he is real to us, and we know beyond doubt that he has the power to answer our prayer, we can expect a response
- If we pursue healing and persist in our prayers, even if the answer does not come immediately, it will come
- If we recognize our need for grace, God will see our humble heart and he will be delighted to give us our heart's desire
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