Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Cripple Jumps to his Feet - Acts 3:1-10

A Cripple Jumps to His Feet
January 23, 2011
Acts 3:1-10

  • We sometimes hear that miracles were something that are no longer for today, because the age of the the apostles is past
  • The truth of the matter is that miracles still happen today
  • Reinhard Bonke ministers mainly in the third world, and hundreds of thousands of people have been healed in his crusades
  • Even the dead have been raised to life.
  • This has happened many many times
  • The Bible does not say that the miracles recorded in the New Testament were only for that period of time
  • When we say that they were to cease when the apostles died, we are adding to scripture, we are speaking our own words and not those of the Bible
  • The truth is that history records miracles continuing in the early church, centuries after the apostles died
  • People were healed, demons cast out, people were filled with the Spirit and received the spiritual gifts, including tongues, prophecy, interpretation
  • It was normal practice for lay members to exercise these gifts - it was only during the reign of Constantine around 325ad that these gifts were concentrated in the clergy - he wanted them to have more power in the church
  • Now let's read the passage
  • Acts 3:1-10
They were doing their normal business
  • Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer - at the ninth hour, or 3pm
  • The apostles had not yet been weaned away from temple worship, though Jesus had told the Samaritan woman in John 4 that the day would come when people would no longer look to the temple at Jerusalem as the center of worship, but that believers everywhere would worship in spirit and in truth
  • The Jews had three different times of prayer
  • They recognized that this was not a Biblical standard, but that it had a basis in scripture
  • David says he prayed morning, noon and night - Psa 55:17
  • Daniel says it was his custom to pray three times daily - Dan 6:10
  • They would pray at 9am, or the third hour - Acts 2:15
  • They would pray at noon, or the sixth hour - Acts 10:9
  • And in this passage it mentions the time of prayer as being 3pm or the ninth hour - Acts 3:1
  • Later, Paul tells us not that we should pray three times a day - instead he tells us to pray without ceasing - 1 Thes 5:17
  • The point is, that Peter and John were going to the temple for prayer
  • They were not going out to look for someone to heal
  • It was in the course of their normal, customary schedule that suddenly they were confronted by this situation
  • Jesus had walked by this man many times, as he lay at the entrance to the temple
  • But the time had come for this man to be healed
  • The Holy Spirit prompted Peter to speak to the man
The man was not a believer
  • This man was not a believer in Jesus
  • He was not expecting to be healed, he was begging for money
  • Peter spoke the words "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk" He helped him to his feet, and the miracle happened!
  • Peter and John ascribed the healing to Jesus, not themselves
  • The man's healing convinced him of the reality of God and he latched onto Peter and John
  • Peter had to have faith that God was going to back him up
  • And God did so
The healing led to the man's conversion
  • In the early church, miracles were signs for unbelievers
  • Justin Martyr (c.110-165) wrote about the gifts of the Spirit in the churches with which he was familiar. He noted that the gifts of the Holy Spirit, including exorcism, were widely in use.
  • For one receives the spirit of understanding, another a counsel, another of healing, another of strength, another of foreknowledge, another of teaching and another of the fear of God. The prophetic gifts remain with us to the present time.
  • For some [believers] do certainly cast out devils, so that those who have thus been cleansed from evil spirits do frequently both believe and join the church. Others have knowledge of things to come; they see visions and utter prophetic expressions.
  • Justin’s comment that the exorcism of unbelievers was a frequent occurrence and in some cases led to conversion is significant. It contrasts sharply with contemporary Pentecostal and Charismatic churches where much of the focus has been on the exorcism of members of the believing community.
Miracles are a confirmation of the Word
  • Mark 16:19-20
  • When a person is confronted with the reality of a living God who has intervened in their life, there is a step that follows
  • People can argue till they are blue in the face, but a healing or a deliverance is real
  • If you have experienced this, you know, your life changes
  • Example of Evelien
  • 1Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:
  • This same Peter who said this also was the Peter who spoke to the cripple, and helped him to his feet
  • As Christians, filled with the Holy Spirit, we should follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before us
  • When we are prompted by the Holy Spirit, we should be obedient
  • When we hear of someone at work who is sick, ask if we can pray for them, and expect God to respond
  • When we are at the supermarket, and some one needs prayer, offer to pray for them
  • We are the salt of the earth, it is our responsibility to represent the Savior King and lead people to Christ

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